Monday, March 24, 2014

Too darn hot/Ty Stephens and Igor Butman Jazz Orchestra (+playlist)

Quack Quack!

I've been getting stronger and exploring the local scene just on schedule as it turns out.

It's wearing me out a bit, but ya know me by now....

Fibro's becoming my female dawg and I'm discovering the neighborhood.

This place is wonderfully weird!

After blowing off my goal to spend the winter writing and networking the scene by spring,

Things started falling into place anyways.

When Russians got Harleys, I was pretty sure, democracy was gonna have it's own way with the people. 

I burned my Basmati on Yamaha bikes... and pianos on occasion. 

My center of gravity prefers driving them, but Honda has a very good point!
I had better not be grounded, now that I'm getting so much stronger. 

This would not please us in the least bit.

Real horses could happen....*cough*

I've been told Harley has something that won't commit offensiveness to my hearing,

so I might have myself a peek.....soon.


Yes, I'm still in shock.

Shuttling between "Are you kidding me" and "How is this hard?"

So, I'm finally in Rome, and all that rot dot com dot net dot org.

I've met some really kewl people who like me back!

Even at the Prove Me Wrong stage,

the Point of Know Return draws it's logical trepidations. 

Fear has it's purpose....especially when dealing with the terminally stupid.

Imbeciles should simply NOT run things!

I'm not the only one who has fallen into their hands, with disastrous results.

Why does their inability to grasp my intellect,

become MY problem?

As clocks are my enemy, it's been  stressor that I've not been able to keep in touch with those I've met.

Oh, right...  blog on....  and on and onward.... check!

They know who they are.

Some should run,,,,far, FAR away!

Since there's still no Levittown's for troops leaving the service now,

1991 is bound to repeat itself.

My business law paper is probably floating around with some senator's name on it, but if memory serves, there's probably a way to retain and retrain those who liked their gigs and wish to continue.

We would have been happy to be refitted for more constructive, educational uses.  We spent endless hours discussing it.

I would have considered the Navy Band had I not been locked in to avionics with a swing shift from hell.  My options were limited, but avionics definitely had it's appeal.  I don't believe I chose poorly, it was the Nav/Com C-school that borked it all up when it was clear I was seeking AIMD level maintenance (circuit boards versus yanking black boxes off ASW birds).

Those of us who knew we were shuffled in for cheap labor had our own way of singing the blues.

War was NOT on our agenda!

And yes, we had the math for that.

Harry Anderson's Mel Torme' fandom kicked my behind during my not so fine, fine, Navy days.

I'd managed to keep my nose clean, but we knew we were targeted for all kinds of nastiness by the townies. 

I remember an Anderson coming through the gate when I was TAD on the security shack.  That was the strangest shift EV-ER!  12 hour shifts.

We played "Rummy 5000"?, and other games to pass the time. 

Hangman, Pictionary, Spades, and Yoda knows what. 

Someone said we had his twin at Hangar 1000 at NAS Jax.

Sailor's talk a lot o shyte on the regular, and the scuttlebutt had Petty Officer Larry Anderson as the "Night Court" actor's twin brother.  Larry was low profile, warm and fuzzy guy. 

When I was stressed in a knot, seeing that guy had a weird calming mojo.  "Ah, the world won't crash on my head today because here comes Larry..."     

I think we even talked about the show....but he was a great crow to cry on!     

He was around when I got the news my Grandad Jeffery Patrick passed.  He was a war veteran who came to visit from Hackensack, NJ.  His plane went down during the war and I grew up playing Backgammon (acey duecey) and checkers with him telling stories ...  just like Snoopy and the Red Baron. 

( retrospect...... a bigger wow than ever)


And here comes another "Boris"?

By now, I've met many badassed Russians ...since even the Levittown days.

..from the magnanimous "Tear Down That Wall" dayz...

Come now, it was anticlimactic at best.  We couldn't stop snickering at it.

For all the pomp and circumstance, we were like...  "Yeah, whutEVER...  you just can't sit on people for very long"

We make do, as per yoosh...

Laugh at the morons thinking they're in charge of things

And keep on keepin' on with whatever's around.

It's how we do!

....and at ungodly hours....apparently. 

And more videos to check out.

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