Alright Google, I give the hell up, you win. FML
For about ten years, I've been on the 3D grids, working towards a project as the technology catches up and I get some kind of studio situation going on.
This is the first time I've really had my brain all to myself. I worked my ass of and it broke.
So....what the hell do I rebuild on 1/5th of my wage-gapped 4-year permanent gig?
(laid off in '04 = used to have)
And I couldn't finance a potato chip even if I wanted to, but I'm burning up my gear and gotta dial back or figure out how to get a sponsor who is interested in multicultural education, not pimping diversity.
I'm running on fumes and it's crowd funding time.... I'll figure it out eventually, but now just parking posts for editing later. It's a PITA.
Since AOL dumped our chatrooms and the logs are gone, I guess my online conversations only go back to about when Tony Snow mouthed off about tar babies. I found the Race Relations Forum when I learned about it on The Daily Show, *ooh-rah*!
The other disenchanted cubie farm geeks at post-Ross Perot EDS (contract rant), turned me on to Jon Stewart and OMG, he was like a DRUG!
He was ranting about the hybrids being hit with an impact tax for the fuel they were NOT burning....n stuff. I don't think that was the first show but I remember the rant and died laughing. Fox failed at being the objective alternative by droning from the same AP wire after we'd read the AP, BBC, NPR all day.
By that time we were eyerolling at the chip wars waiting for them to finish gouging the leptons and get ON with it already. We were wag gapped below the ability to compete, so we made due with what was laying around.
And just when we'd caught up, they went Gung Ho again and sold all of our gigs.. OMG, they're SUCCEEDING and now they're writing legislation and snooping superficially at our work and choking out a community they know and care nothing about, except for what they cash in on. So ISP keep on selling us air and digital real estate on the most popular grid is sky high and there are too many with simply no purpose in contributing to the global, online community. Well excuse us for educating ourselves when brick and mortar schools slammed the door on us.
When we finally worked around the high cost of obtaining any kind of career, they sold our gigs and smacked us down to the minor leagues to compete with the leptons who got Microsoft certs from their McDonald jobs. The broke the natural flow because it takes more than a standardized test (my final exam, btw) to build a career! You cant believe the ego trippage we have to put up with! And then they sold the jobs tens of thousands at a time and now they're complaining because defaults.... and GLOATING about their wealth, shaming and lying to our families who stubbornly believe we just don't want to work.
Come now, even a dixiecrat posing as a republican can do that math.
There's a gamer's video blog on Youtube I'll find it later. The guy talked about how we've become a community with no central leadership of any kind representing us. Virtual world grids people game on, are whatever we say they are. If I put an amusement park, that's what it is. If I build a campus, we use the multimedia plugins and hold classes.
Immortals are those who have been in virtual worlds over 8 years? 6? I forget. And as so many of us were laid off and downshifted to nothing, it's full of people like me. Systems analysts, retired, disabled, ADD, bipolar, PTSD/combat and non-combat. and all of those stress induced maladies the suicidal pharmaceuticals can't do jack about.
I'm a divergent thinker with a high IQ. The VA means well, but you need a 12- step program to learn how to deal with a 12-stepper!
I'll mess with this later. Got 50 tabs to close.
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