Notes from USS Forrestal footage.
A squid’s perspective from Gulf mess part 1….
We saw this video during every safety stand-down after seeing it in bootcamp and a time or three in avionics school. While stationed at VP-30 at NAS Jax. If you wanted to know about avionics, the P3-Orion was the bird you wanted to play with. And McCain wasn't in the conversation at the time, except for being a much-hated double legacy skate they probably tried to get rid of. Carrier culture was a LOT different in the 60s. Most pilots knew better than to piss off their technicians, but we had a few who didn't know the rules and apparently had no self-preservation instincts.
You DON’T put water on that kind of fire. I think every safety stand-down had footage from this disaster.
I’ll bet McCain thought he had an angel on his shoulder when his plane got hit. I wonder if that angel had BLACK wings!
Maybe it was in inside job. I know if MY Navy tried to feed me (P-3 avionics geek) to something like THAT, the thought might have crossed a jealous man’s mind. It’s not like he wouldn’t request another man’s woman.
I saw what was coming and was checking OUT of the Navy on January 17th, 1991. Tailhook happened on the weekend of “The events took place at the 35th Annual Tailhook Association Symposium from September 8 to 12, 1991.”
There were a lot of used-to-haves in the Navy when they cut survival benefits. We didn’t have a lot in common with the bubbas who chose military service over prison or poverty!
By the time I got to my RAG squadron… NOT one that deploys, bubbas couldn’t keep their eyes off my ass!
Someone should have put it on my record.
What happens when you try to make a BLACKWELL twerk?
Not ONE foreign officer dared approach inappropriately when I drove them around, or checked the safety gear.
The Pakistani officers refused to be trained by a female, at first.
There was a meeting.
After the meeting, they were calling ME, “Ma’am” and I got nothing but respect for how quickly they responded! No seriously, they treated me like a goddess after that meeting!
I think we talked about the kids I knew from PG. There was a whole table of Saudi students that I could and could not deal with. The leader of the pack was the biggest asshole who ever stole my notes.
He said some shit about knowing one of King Hussein’s son.
I made it pretty clear that in THESE United States, that meant precisely DICK and my notes have MY name on them. It’s BLACKWELL, so don’t FUCK with it!
In the middle of the lunchroom before informing the instructor.
Our notes were a big part of my grade. I HATED that fucking class. It was probably econ or accounting. UGH
One Chinese officer had me laughing so hard, I had to pull the truck over!
I was well into my 3rd trimester and ended my service as “duty driver”.
And it was my choice…the options were lame.
The baby kicked and I started to laugh. I’m ticklish like that and hate it with a purple passion. Always have, always will.
Anyway, this wasn’t one of those times because it was just the right kind of gentle tickle from the most amazing person you have yet to meet.
This one went clear through my back.
The officer asked me what was so funny.
I’d been driving them around for awhile, so things were casual…and there was a language barrier to deal with. Only one of the three spoke any English at all. At least I could explain things to the Spanish officers who came for training. They were charming and also knew better than to cross a line. Paella in St. Augustine was fantastic!
So, this Chinese officer sees me losing what little military bearing I had left to purge. I was out of it, LONG before I went in, during peacetime.
I told him the baby kicked.
And his expression was priceless.
He said, “baby”?
I said, “uh, yeah!”
He said, “BABY??????”
And I said, “Yes, BAAAAAYBEEEEE not Budweiser!”
He started ROLLING and then had to translate that I wasn’t fat, I was practicing how to drive myself to the VA Hospital!! The ex was on USS Forrestal workups for Gulf Mess part 1.
By that time, I was a ROAD HAZARD on the road to Alpha whatever and pulled the truck over.
I lost it leaning against the truck laughing so hard.
They all jumped out laughing, making sure I was alright!
TAD time is one of the longest measures of human existence, next to studio time.
But this made the bitchwork kinda worth the trouble.
I forgot all those names and wonder what they’re doing these days.
I COULD be profoundly pissed as they do the numbers on how many babies they can get us to pop for them, but being they wrecked the industry, they created they’re own idiocracy!!
American officers don’t roll classy like that.
American businessmen might get some females to sell out their ovarian fortitude, but eventually that garbage blows back hard.
Navy was a different corporate plantation and I never met anyone fit to run this country.
Not even the ones I’m related to!
I’ve seen what happens to good men working a jacked up system.
The biggest assholes in the Navy were the ones who WANTED to make admiral.
I met Admiral Keonig’s son in Millington while were in civies in a ZERO military bearing zone. He was in uniform. Having that stenciled on your butt was worse than showing up to boot camp wearing a “Burger King” t-shirt.
I read this guy’s name and said, “Oooh…dude at least you can burn an unfortunate t-shirt”
“You’re dad is WHO?”
“Girls! I think I just lost that lovin’ feelin’!”
He blushed and laughed…Oh! The chagrin!
I forgot what school he was in but I’m sure we said something like,
Thank GOD my dad was a Civil Service officer! He had no designs on being a GS-16
because that would have put him in front of microphones and whatnot.
It was the difference between Captain Kirk and Admiral Kirk in function, but
more like Rear-Admiral Kirk and Admiral ...semantics happen, but my plan was
growing up to be a hard-core tax-payer or fly things. I was hoping for some kind of shuttle, but the closest thing to flying on the ground is a motorcycle....when a real horse is not an option.
We clicked on a Pentagon kid-centric rant.
We compared it to being a preacher’s kid
He went off after promising to grow up into a useful HUMAN BEING!
They called the cease-fire while I was in surgery with an unscheduled C-Section. She was 9 lbs, 13.5 ozs so……
When I was pregnant, I hadn’t decided if I was going to stay in or get out. The buzz about turning the avionics 98% FEMALE shop and I knew EXACTLY what time it was!
We saw this video during every safety stand-down after seeing it in bootcamp and a time or three in avionics school. While stationed at VP-30 at NAS Jax. If you wanted to know about avionics, the P3-Orion was the bird you wanted to play with. And McCain wasn't in the conversation at the time, except for being a much-hated double legacy skate they probably tried to get rid of. Carrier culture was a LOT different in the 60s. Most pilots knew better than to piss off their technicians, but we had a few who didn't know the rules and apparently had no self-preservation instincts.
You DON’T put water on that kind of fire. I think every safety stand-down had footage from this disaster.
I’ll bet McCain thought he had an angel on his shoulder when his plane got hit. I wonder if that angel had BLACK wings!
Maybe it was in inside job. I know if MY Navy tried to feed me (P-3 avionics geek) to something like THAT, the thought might have crossed a jealous man’s mind. It’s not like he wouldn’t request another man’s woman.
I saw what was coming and was checking OUT of the Navy on January 17th, 1991. Tailhook happened on the weekend of “The events took place at the 35th Annual Tailhook Association Symposium from September 8 to 12, 1991.”
There were a lot of used-to-haves in the Navy when they cut survival benefits. We didn’t have a lot in common with the bubbas who chose military service over prison or poverty!
By the time I got to my RAG squadron… NOT one that deploys, bubbas couldn’t keep their eyes off my ass!
Someone should have put it on my record.
What happens when you try to make a BLACKWELL twerk?
Not ONE foreign officer dared approach inappropriately when I drove them around, or checked the safety gear.
The Pakistani officers refused to be trained by a female, at first.
There was a meeting.
After the meeting, they were calling ME, “Ma’am” and I got nothing but respect for how quickly they responded! No seriously, they treated me like a goddess after that meeting!
I think we talked about the kids I knew from PG. There was a whole table of Saudi students that I could and could not deal with. The leader of the pack was the biggest asshole who ever stole my notes.
He said some shit about knowing one of King Hussein’s son.
I made it pretty clear that in THESE United States, that meant precisely DICK and my notes have MY name on them. It’s BLACKWELL, so don’t FUCK with it!
In the middle of the lunchroom before informing the instructor.
Our notes were a big part of my grade. I HATED that fucking class. It was probably econ or accounting. UGH
One Chinese officer had me laughing so hard, I had to pull the truck over!
I was well into my 3rd trimester and ended my service as “duty driver”.
And it was my choice…the options were lame.
The baby kicked and I started to laugh. I’m ticklish like that and hate it with a purple passion. Always have, always will.
Anyway, this wasn’t one of those times because it was just the right kind of gentle tickle from the most amazing person you have yet to meet.
This one went clear through my back.
The officer asked me what was so funny.
I’d been driving them around for awhile, so things were casual…and there was a language barrier to deal with. Only one of the three spoke any English at all. At least I could explain things to the Spanish officers who came for training. They were charming and also knew better than to cross a line. Paella in St. Augustine was fantastic!
So, this Chinese officer sees me losing what little military bearing I had left to purge. I was out of it, LONG before I went in, during peacetime.
I told him the baby kicked.
And his expression was priceless.
He said, “baby”?
I said, “uh, yeah!”
He said, “BABY??????”
And I said, “Yes, BAAAAAYBEEEEE not Budweiser!”
He started ROLLING and then had to translate that I wasn’t fat, I was practicing how to drive myself to the VA Hospital!! The ex was on USS Forrestal workups for Gulf Mess part 1.
By that time, I was a ROAD HAZARD on the road to Alpha whatever and pulled the truck over.
I lost it leaning against the truck laughing so hard.
They all jumped out laughing, making sure I was alright!
TAD time is one of the longest measures of human existence, next to studio time.
But this made the bitchwork kinda worth the trouble.
I forgot all those names and wonder what they’re doing these days.
I COULD be profoundly pissed as they do the numbers on how many babies they can get us to pop for them, but being they wrecked the industry, they created they’re own idiocracy!!
American officers don’t roll classy like that.
American businessmen might get some females to sell out their ovarian fortitude, but eventually that garbage blows back hard.
Navy was a different corporate plantation and I never met anyone fit to run this country.
Not even the ones I’m related to!
I’ve seen what happens to good men working a jacked up system.
The biggest assholes in the Navy were the ones who WANTED to make admiral.
I met Admiral Keonig’s son in Millington while were in civies in a ZERO military bearing zone. He was in uniform. Having that stenciled on your butt was worse than showing up to boot camp wearing a “Burger King” t-shirt.
I read this guy’s name and said, “Oooh…dude at least you can burn an unfortunate t-shirt”
“You’re dad is WHO?”
“Girls! I think I just lost that lovin’ feelin’!”
He blushed and laughed…Oh! The chagrin!
I forgot what school he was in but I’m sure we said something like,
Thank GOD my dad was a Civil Service officer! He had no designs on being a GS-16
because that would have put him in front of microphones and whatnot.
It was the difference between Captain Kirk and Admiral Kirk in function, but
more like Rear-Admiral Kirk and Admiral ...semantics happen, but my plan was
growing up to be a hard-core tax-payer or fly things. I was hoping for some kind of shuttle, but the closest thing to flying on the ground is a motorcycle....when a real horse is not an option.
We clicked on a Pentagon kid-centric rant.
We compared it to being a preacher’s kid
He went off after promising to grow up into a useful HUMAN BEING!
They called the cease-fire while I was in surgery with an unscheduled C-Section. She was 9 lbs, 13.5 ozs so……
When I was pregnant, I hadn’t decided if I was going to stay in or get out. The buzz about turning the avionics 98% FEMALE shop and I knew EXACTLY what time it was!
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